About Diamond Lash Battle

About Diamond Lash Battle

This is the first online competition organised from the city of Diamonds, Antwerp in Belgium.

People from all over the world may compete!

The earnings from this competition will go to a lens implant operation.

If this is a succes, then we would like to organise a live version next year with a conference and a show where donations will go to other eye surgeries of others we could help!❤️

So please spread the word and lets show how beautiful our community is!

“Unfortunately, due to the passion for the eyelashes, my eyes are deteriorating enormously. After 20 years of wearing lenses, my eyes can hardly take it anymore and due to my heavy cylinder deviation, the depth of sight of my glasses will never be good, which means that I cannot work or drive with glasses. The specialist told me that I can no longer wait 2 years for toric lens implants. Unfortunately, these are not reimbursed and are the most expensive implants available. This costs a fortune. I would hate to let everything I have built up with passion in this industry go to waist through this stupid deviation 😔.

Hopefully a lot of stylists and sponsors will participate and I can achieve this operation quickly ❤️

Thank you in advance for your support! ❤️❤️❤️” – Shey Peral